Methods to protect bone health, apply from now on!

This age has many names, which are intended for young people but are often tired of activities. This ensures that not only the elderly, but young people also need to know how to properly maintain bone health.

Bones are a part that has an important function in the human body, that’s why protecting bone health is so important.

Then what kind of healthy lifestyle is needed so that the bones are always strong? Come on, follow the following review.

Methods of Protecting Bone Health

A person’s age will affect his bone density, where as you get older, your bone density keeps decreasing.

Therefore, it would not hurt for you to start maintaining bone health from now on.

Here are some ways to maintain bone health and prevent the formation of bone problems that you can apply.

1. Deep in the Morning Sunlight

One way to protect bone health is to meet the needs of vitamin D in the body.

Well, morning sunlight is a good source of vitamin D for the body because it can help the absorption of calcium.

If the bones lack calcium, they will be more susceptible to osteoporosis and reduce bone density.

In order to get optimal benefits, try sitting under the hot sun at 9 am-2 pm for 20-25 minutes. Repeat at least 2- 3 times a week.

Specifically for Jakarta and its surroundings, and areas along the equator, UVB light which is useful for changing vitamin D in the skin has the highest content between 11 to 1 pm.

2. Carry out sports regularly

Exercising is an activity that is very important for supporting the health of the body, including the bones.

Someone who doesn’t move or do activities often can affect the muscles and bones to continue to become weak.

Research also shows that, if a person does not exercise regularly, then he will be more susceptible to bone problems, such as osteoporosis.

So, from that, one of the ways to maintain bone health and bone strength is regular exercise.

Do at least 150 minutes per week (for moderate exercise) divided into 5 30-minute steps.

3. Increase consumption of calcium

In addition to vitamin D, meeting the consumption of calcium for the body is also important in maintaining bone health.

Here are some types of drinks and foods that contain calcium and are good to eat as a way to maintain bone health:

  • Soybeans
  • Know
  • Nuts
  • Dairy products
  • Green vegetables (cabbage and broccoli)
  • Food made from fortified processed flour (accumulation of nutrients)
  • Salmon and sardines

4. Consume Supplements

The next method of maintaining bone health can be tried by consuming bonus supplements.

Not only with great, but you also meet the needs of vitamin D and calcium through additional supplements to maintain bone health.

Living in a tropical area with abundant sunlight like Indonesia does not rule out the possibility of experiencing vitamin D deficiency.

Research shows that 6- 70{185567e0e14a13e72632515df8c182971bd00af9dd147183cb3219042cca3e17} of the population of Southeast Asia suffer from vitamin D deficiency.

So consuming vitamin D supplements is useful for avoiding deficiencies and maintaining healthy bones and the immune system.

Bone supplements are also good for women who have menopause. This is because the bone tissue will continue to weaken along with the formation of hormone changes.

The need for vitamin D consumption for aged people is 15-20 micrograms or 800-1000 IU per day. Meanwhile, for calcium as much as 1000-1200 mg per day.

5. Protecting Body Weight is Always Ideal

Maintaining a perfect body weight is quite important so that you can be free from several risks of disease, including ways to maintain bone health.

Research shows that being overweight or obese can increase the risk of bone injury.

Therefore, in order to protect the bones from the risk of injury, you are advised to keep your body weight perfect.

6. Controlling Caffeine and Salt in the Body

As discussed earlier, calcium is a nutrient that the body needs as a way to maintain bone health.

Meanwhile, if you consume caffeine and salt in excess, these substances will limit the body’s absorption of calcium so that it affects the bones.

Therefore, if you are a caffeine fan, you should start controlling your caffeine consumption from now on to maintain bone health.

7. Banning Alcohol and Cigarettes

The habitual consumption of alcohol and cigarettes has a significant impact on the health of the body, including the bones.

Excessive consumption of cigarettes and alcohol can erode bone density, especially if your body doesn’t have enough calcium intake.

Moreover, a smoker is said to have a greater risk of experiencing fractures. Not only that, nicotine can also limit the process of making bones.

8. Exploring Physiotherapy

For those of you who want to increase bone strength and take precautions so that you don’t fall easily, then you can visit a physical medicine expert.

Physical medicine provides several benefits for the body, especially for the muscles, such as improving body balance, body shape, muscle strength, as well as body coordination.

For those of you who have had bone injuries, such as broken bones, it is better to restore bone strength through physiotherapy.

So, those are some ways to maintain healthy bones so that they are always active. Don’t forget to eat food with balanced nutrition and regularly do sports, such as sports.